Q&A about Concept

デリケートゾーンケア専門ブランド D-Speaceの名前に込めた想いやブランドコンセプトに関するご質問をまとめています。D-Speaceを深く知ることで、安心してお使いいただけるとうれしく思います。 Here is the collection of questions on our thoughts with which "D-Speace," a brand dedicated to intimate hygiene, was named and the concept of the brand. We hope our clients can trust and use our products by learning deeply about D-Speace.
  • デリケートゾーン専門ブランドの特徴は何?
    What are the features of the brand dedicated to intimate hygiene?
  • ペキュリアでは、陰部、鼠蹊部やお尻、わきの下、おへそ、バストを総称して「デリケートゾーン」と位置付けています。これらの悩みは相談しにくく、正しいケアもあまり知られておらず、深く悩んでいる方も多くいます。多くの女性に寄り添うことができるのが専門ブランドの強み。女性のもつお悩みを把握し、解決のために厳選した成分を独自の研究で配合して商品を作っています。
    At Peculiar Dug, we use the term "sensitive zone" for private parts, groin, buttocks, armpit, navel, and breast. It is difficult for most women to consult with anyone about troubles with their sensitive zone. They aren't well informed with proper ways to care for it, and many women have been troubled deeply. It is our strength as a specialized brand that we can snuggle up to many those women. We understand their troubles and are producing our products with ingredients that we have carefully selected and combined to solve their problems, based on our original research.
  • ブランド名のD-Speaceとはどのような意味ですか?
    What does the brand name D-Speace mean?
  • 「D」はデリケートゾーン、「Speace」はスピーディーという響きと、ピースサインのピースを組み合わせた造語です。
    "D" stands for delicate, like our sensitive zone, and "Speace" is a combination of "speedy" and "peace".
    Solving troubles with sensitive zone in a speedy manner and giving a peace of mind to many women -- our brand was named with such meanings.
  • D-Speaceは他のデリケートゾーンケア商品とどう違いますか?
    How are the products of D-Speace different from other intimate hygiene products?
  • デリケートケア用品は洗うタイプの商品が主流ですが、洗いすぎによるトラブルの悪循環で悩む人が増えています。D-Speaceは、そんな悪循環もなく、続けるほどにきれいに、健やかにデリケートゾーンを保つことができるような商品を開発しました。
    Most intimate hygiene products are for washing, but there is a vicious circle caused by too much washing, and women who have such troubles are increasing. D-Speace has developed products that keep women's sensitive zone cleaner and healthier with continuous use of the products, without getting into such a vicious circle.
    With D-Speace series, you can decide which product to use depending on types of troubles with sensitive zone. So far we have three types of products: the wash mist to clean the skin and give refreshing feeling, the pack sheet to stick to the skin and care for it deeply, and the beauty fluid to apply to the skin as a treatment for juvenility. More products will be coming in the future.
  • デリケートな部分に使用するので成分が不安です。
    I'm concerned about ingredients as products will be used for delicate parts.
  • D-Speaceシリーズはお肌にやさしい植物由来の成分を厳選して使用し、防腐剤は不使用です。肌に負担をかけず最大の効果が得られるよう厳選した成分を使用し、配合割合にもこだわっておりますので、敏感肌の方でも使えます。また、肌への優しさを生かし、目元や首、敏感肌の方のお肌のケアなどに使用される方もいます。デリケートゾーン以外でも、同じ結果が期待できます。
    In D-Speace series, only ingredients derived from plants are carefully selected and used as they are gentle to skin. Our products are preservative-free. We are particular about combinations of ingredients we select so that our products won't impose any burden on skin but provide the best effect. They can even be used on sensitive skin. Also some people make use of our products' gentleness to skin and care for their eyes, neck, and sensitive skin with the products. The same effects can be expected for the parts other than sensitive zone.

Q&A on Necessity of Intimate Hygiene

デリケートゾーンのケアは、なぜ必要なのか? また、どのようなケアを、いつ行うのがよいのかといったご質問をまとめています。正しい知識を持つことで、多くの方のお悩みがなくなることを望んでいます。 Why intimate hygiene is important? Here is another collection of questions on when and what kind of care shall be done. We sincerely hope that many women can solve their problems by having the right knowledge.
  • なぜ、デリケートゾーンのケアは必要なのですか?
    Why intimate hygiene is important?
  • デリケートゾーンの皮膚は薄く敏感なのに、下着によるこすれ等のストレスを受けやすく、蒸れや雑菌が繁殖しやすい状況にあります。肌はストレスを受けると免疫が低下し、ホルモンバランスが崩れ、バリア機能が弱まります。これが子宮の疾患につながることもあるので、デリケートゾーンのケアが必要です。
    The skin of the sensitive zone is thin and delicate, but it is exposed to stresses such as rubbing by undergarment. It also tends to be stuffy and allow germs to propagate. When the skin gets stressed, the immunity system goes down. Then the hormone balance is disturbed and the skin's protective barrier function will be weakened. It sometimes causes uterine diseases. That's why intimate hygiene is important.
  • デリケートゾーンは、どれくらいの頻度でケアすればいいですか?
    How often shall I care for my sensitive zone?
  • デリケートゾーンは、常に清潔にしておくことが基本です。ところが、においやかゆみは外出先など、入浴できないときにも起こります。ここでがまんをすることで雑菌などが繁殖し、入浴時に洗いすぎます。デリケートゾーンは、気になった時にこまめに、そして優しくケアするのがベスト。
    It is basic to keep sensitive zone always clean. However, an odor or itching occurs when you are away from home and cannot take a bath immediately. While you endure it, germs will start to propagate and you may wash too much when you take a bath. It is the best that you care for your sensitive zone gently, as often as you can when you are concerned.
    And it is important to perform care such as anti-aging treatment every day and make it a habit.
  • デリケートゾーンのケアは洗うだけでは不十分なのですか?
    Isn't it good enough for intimate hygiene to wash sensitive zone?
  • デリケートゾーンの悩みの発生原因の多くは菌の繁殖や刺激、乾燥といったストレスや、代謝や血流の悪化、冷え、ホルモンバランスの乱れなどです。洗うケアは基本ですが、洗いすぎると善玉菌を洗い流したり、悪玉菌優位の弱アルカリ性に傾けたり、乾燥させたりというリスクもあります。また洗うだけでは、うるおいを補ったり、黒ずみやエイジングケアすることはできませんので、スペシャルケアも重要です。
    Many causes of troubles with sensitive zone are stresses such as propagation of germs, stimulation, or dryness, aggravation of metabolism or bloodstream, coldness, or disorder of hormone balance. Washing is a basic care, but if you wash too much, there is a risk that you may wash away good bacteria, incline to mildly alkaline that could allow bad bacteria to predominate, or dry too much. Also, some special cares are important as you cannot supplement moisture, or care for darkening or aging by just washing.
  • デリケートゾーンのケアは洗う以外に、どんなケアをすればいいのでしょう?
    Other than washing, what kind of care shall I take for intimate hygiene?
  • デリケートゾーンの肌は、他のお肌と同様に老化していきますので、保湿をしたり、乱れがちになるターンオーバーを正常にして代謝を改善したり、血行促進を図って冷えを改善したり、pHを正常な状態に保つことが大切です。この対策により、いつまでもキレイで健康的なデリケートゾーンを保てるので、積極的なケアを心がけてください。
    As your skin of the sensitive zone gets older, the same as the rest part of your body, it is important to retain skin moisture, improve metabolism by normalizing turnover which is easily disturbed, promote bloodstream and improve coldness, and keep pH in a normal condition. You can keep your sensitive zone clean and healthy by these measures. Please try to be active about intimate hygiene.

Q&A on Features and Usage of the Products

D-Speaceの各商品の特徴や使い方、ご使用にあたってのよくある質問をまとめています。正しくお使いいただくことが、高い満足度につながりますので、ぜひご参考になさってください。 Here is the collection of common questions on features of D-Speace products, how to use them, and use of them. Please refer to these questions. The right use of our products makes your satisfaction higher.
  • D-Speace Wash Mistの特徴は?
    What are the features of D-Speace Wash Mist?
  • D-Speace Wash Mistはデリケートゾーンの臭いやかゆみ、おりものが気になった時に、いつでも使用える洗浄ミスト。肌に直接吹き付けるだけで、不快感の原因の雑菌にすばやく対処。洗浄成分は、植物性なので敏感なデリケートゾーンのお肌にも安心です。
    D-Speace Wash Mist is a washing mist whenever you are concerned about a smell, itchiness, or discharge at sensitive zone. By just applying one spray to your skin directly, it will immediately deal with germs that cause discomfort. Washing ingredients in it are of plant origin. It's safe to use on sensitive zone skin.
    As the product is compact, you can carry it in your makeup porch, and apply one spray whenever you want to. You don't have to rinse it off. You will always be comfortable as it will prevent from dryness as well.
  • D-Speace Tightning Essenceの特徴は?
    What are the features of D-Speace Tightening Essence?
  • デリケートゾーンのお肌も年齢と共に老化します。D-Speace Tightning Essenceは、エイジングケア用美容液で、女性ホルモンの減少によるバリア機能の低下やハリ、ツヤ、引き締めなどの衰えを補います。美肌に効果のある注目成分を贅沢に配合したデリケートゾーン専用のトリートメント美容液です。とろみがあり、肌なじみがよく、使用後はサラッとしていて、洗い流す必要はありません。
    Your skin of the sensitive zone gets older with age. D-Speace Tightening Essence is an anti-aging beauty fluid. It will make up for declines of skin such as decline of protective barrier function, tone, luster, or tightness due to a reduction of female hormones. This is a treatment beauty fluid specialized for sensitive zone in which high-profile effective skin-beautifying ingredients are combined generously. It is slurry and easy to absorb into skin. You don't have to rinse it off after using it as the skin will be dry and smooth.
  • D-Speace Flash Packの特徴は?
    What are the features of D-Speace Flash Pack?
  • D-Speace Flash Packはあきらめていたデリケートゾーンの黒ずみ対策として作られた濃密ゲルシートパックです。
    D-Speace Flash Pack is a dense gel pack sheet for darkening of sensitive zone which many women had given up.
    The skin of the sensitive zone is one of the thinnest ones in our body, and it is easy to develop pigmentation as it is always covered with undergarment and exposed to stresses caused by rubbing or stuffiness. As a countermeasure, you can take intensive care that essential ingredients for darkening are generously combined such as skin-beautifying ingredients that help retrieve sheer skin while moisturizing, go into deep inside, and last long. The pack sheet sticks to the skin firmly. You can do anything while using it. Continuous use is recommended.
  • ミストの使い方は?
    How shall we use the mist?
  • においやかゆみが気になる箇所に、直接ふきかけます。このとき、スプレー缶を真横にすると出にくい場合がありますので、少し角度をつけ、お肌から10センチほど離して、1~2秒ほど噴霧します。ふき取る必要はなく、速乾性があるので、すぐに下着をつけることができます。
    Spray directly to the part you are concerned about an odor or itchiness. If you hold a spray can in a horizontal position, it may be difficult to spray. Tilt a can a bit and keep it away about 10 cm from the skin. Spray for one to two seconds. It is not necessary to wipe it off. You can wear undergarment right after spraying as it is quick drying.
    It is recommended to use 2-3 times a day. Do not shake the can.
  • エッセンスの使い方は?
    How shall we use the essence?
  • 付属のスポイトで美容液を1~2滴、清潔な手に取り、気になる箇所をトリートメントします。このとき、優しくマッサージするようになじませることをお勧めします。使用後に、ふき取ったり洗い流したりする必要はありません。なお、美容液の浸透を高めるため、手やデリケートゾーンを洗った後にご使用ください。
    Put 1-2 drops of the beauty fluid on a clean finger with the attached dropper, and apply it to a point concerns you. It is recommended to apply it gently like massage. You don't have to wipe or rinse it off after using it. In order to enhance the penetration of the beauty fluid, use it after washing your hands and sensitive zone.
    It is recommended to use once a day.
  • パックの使い方は?
    How shall we use the pack sheet?
  • 黒ずみが気になる場所に直接貼ります。お肌がぬれていたり油分があると密着しません。しっかりふき取り、乾いた状態で使います。シートは伸縮性がありますので、使用場所にあわせて伸び縮みさせ、ぴったりフィットさせます。20~30分で美容成分が行き渡ります。はがした後はふき取ったり、洗い流したりする必要はありません。
    Apply a pack sheet to a part concerns you about darkening. It won't stick well to the skin if it is wet or oily. Wipe off well and apply the pack sheet on a dry skin. The sheet is elastic. You can expand or contract to fit snugly depending on a point to use. The beauty components will penetrate in 20-30 minutes. You don't have to wipe or rinse off after taking it off.
    Use once a day. You can see its effect after using it for about 2-4 weeks continuously.
  • それぞれの商品は、どれくらいの期間使えますか?
    How long does each product last?
  • 各商品、弊社が推奨する使用頻度と量をお使いいただいた場合は、以下です。
    If you follow our recommended frequency and quantity for each product, here are the length of lasting.
    Wash mist: 2-3 weeks if you use 2-3 times a day and spray for 2 seconds each time.
    Essence: Approximately 45-60 days if you use once a day, 1-2 drops each time.
    Pack sheet: You can cut to fit to a part you apply. It is usable for various parts with no waste. This pack sheet is disposal. Do not reuse after taking it off.
  • 妊娠中でも使用できますか?
    Can I use your products when I'm pregnant?
  • 妊娠中の方は、使用に関して医者の判断を仰いでください。
    If you are pregnant, ask your doctor for advice before using our products.
  • 生理中に使っても大丈夫?
    Can I use your products during my period?
  • ウォッシュミストは生理中のにおいや不快感を緩和してくれるので、生理中こそ積極的にご使用ください。またタイトニングエッセンスやパックなどもご使用いただけますが、経血がパックに付着したり、美容液と経血が混ざったりしますので、入浴後などにご使用ください。
    Our wash mist eases an odor or discomfort during menstruation. Please use it actively, especially during your period. The tightening essence and pack sheet can also be used, but please use after taking a bath in order to avoid getting blood on the pack sheet or mixing in the beauty fluid.

購入時のQ&AQ&A on Purchasing

商品購入や発送に関してのよくある質問をまとめています。こちらをご参照いただいても疑問が解決しない時は、メールフォームより、お気軽にお問い合せください。 Here is the collection of common questions on shopping and delivery. If you cannot solve your question after referring to it, feel free to ask us via the mail form.
  • 家族や彼氏にばれたくないのですが・・・
    I don't want my family or partner to know my purchase...
  • 弊社がお送りする際、梱包は無地のもので梱包をします。また、発送伝票も「化粧品」と記載しお送りしますので、中身がデリケートゾーン用品とわからないように送らせていただきます。
    Feel free to ask us.
  • 返品や返金について教えてください。
    What is your return and refund policy?
  • 商品に不良があった場合、新しい商品を送らせていただきます。不良品は着払いにて弊社宛てにお送りください。
    Feel free to ask us.
  • 毎月買う場合は、都度注文をしなければいけませんか?
    If I want to purchase every month, do I need to place an order every time?
  • ペキュリアでは、お得に使える継続購入プランをご用意しております。ご注文をいただかなくても定期的に商品をお届けし、代金も15%引きとなっております。詳しくはこちらをごらんください。
    Feel free to ask us.