代表挨拶From Our President

平野 実穂

「いつでも快適でいたい」、「もっと積極的にケアしたい」そんな多くの女性たちの声をカタチにしたいと、ペキュリア・ダグは独自の研究を重ね、デリケートゾーン専用のケア用品「D-Speace(ディースピース)」の商品化に成功しました。Development of beauty technologies and materials have been advancing. Various kinds of products have been introduced, and many women come to pursue beauty more deeply. However, I felt that we had little information or products for intimate hygiene. This kind of trouble cannot easily told to anyone and could even become a complex. If it can be solved, people will get well profoundly and even produce energy.

Helping people solve their problems from the aspect of beauty and health. That is our wish.

その一方で、デリケートゾーンのケアに関しては、情報も商品も少ないと感じておりました。人に言えないこれらの悩みは、根深く心を悩ませます。これを解消し、コンプレックスをなくすことができれば、人は心から元気になり、エネルギーを生み出すことができます。For those who could not figure out how to solve their problems even though they are suffering from their complex. We are hoping to solve problems that could not be solved in the past with our ideas, plans, and product development that never existed before.



悩みを抱えている人が、一日も早くストレスから解放され自由になり、心からハッピーになる。People who have suffered from troubles get free from stresses and become genuinely happy as soon as possible.

そんなデリケート専門ブランドを目指して、独特な目線で様々な悩みを深く掘り下げ、これまでにない新しい商品を創り出して参ります。With aiming to become such a brand dedicated to intimate hygiene, we will dig into various matters from our own perspective and try to produce new products that no one else invented before.

平野 実穂
Peculiar Dug Co., Ltd.
Miho Hirano

平野 実穂

Our passion to intimate hygiene products

代表の平野は大手エステサロンでの勤務をし、数店舗店長の経験を経て、東京にあるバスト専門のエステサロンで店長の経験を経てきました。そこで女性の美の悩みと正面から向き合う事を生きがいに感じ、色々な女性の悩みの解決のお手伝いをしてきました。Our president Hirano worked for a major beauty salon chain and experienced as a shop manager at several shops. She also worked for a beauty salon specialized in breast in Tokyo as a shop manager. Through her experiences, she found that it is motivating to tackle with women's troubles about beauty, and has been helping many women solve their various kinds of troubles.


そんな関わりの中で、デリケートゾーンの悩みを抱える女性が多いことを知りました。その内容は色や臭い、形、ハリ、おりものなど様々。そして「すべてが気になる」とおっしゃる方が多いのも特徴でした。In such her efforts, she learned that there are many women who have troubles with their sensitive zone. The troubles are about its color, odor, shape, tone, or discharge. And it was quite particular that many of them answered that they were worried "all of them."

デリケートゾーンの悩みはなかなか人に言う機会がありません。多くの女性が心にしまいこんでいることを知った時、私どもにできることはないかと考え、エステコースにデリケートゾーンのケアメニューを入れることを思いたちました。There are only few women who can talk about their troubles with the sensitive zone with anyone. When she got to know that many women were hiding their worries in their mind, she wondered if there was anything our company could do for them, and decided to include intimate hygiene in our beauty treatment menus.

デリケートゾーンのケアで必要なことは3つ。Three steps are required for intimate hygiene.

1. まず、キレイにする(菌を洗う)
2. 十分保湿をする
3. 代謝や血行を良くして、お肌のターンオーバーを正常に保つ

1. First, washing (cleaning off bacteria)
2. Moisturizing well
3. Promote metabolism and blood circulation and maintain normal skin turnover.

これはお顔のお肌のスキンケアと同じこと。デリケートゾーンもお顔と同じようにケアをするのが、理想的なのです。We focused on those three points and brushed up our intimate hygiene menus. As a result, we saw many more of our clients were surprised by the tone and smoothness of the skin, felt refreshed more than ever (literally freshened up), and became happy. After seeing that, we decided to develop self-care products.

私どもはこの3つに重点を置き、デリケートゾーンのコースメニューをブラッシュアップ。その結果、お肌のハリやつるつる感、そして色に驚かれ、さらに、これまでにない爽快感(綺麗になってさっぱりする)を感じ、よろこばれるお客さまが増えました。We conducted a survey to know the troubles they were suffering, and gathered their real voices. From the result, we arrived at the answer that we must not produce ordinary soap or body wash but items that can be used anytime, just as etiquette

After continuing various studies, we got to know that intimate hygiene helps protect wombs as well. And making intimate hygiene turn into habitual practice is a key. So while developing our products, we were particular that our products shall be easy to use so that customers will keep using it.



そして誕生した「ディースピース」。And "D-Speace" was born.

いつでもどこでも簡単にケアでき、ずっとフレッシュ感に包まれながら、女性の健康にも貢献できる。そんな思いを詰め込んだデリケートゾーン専用のケア用品。ひとりでも多くの女性にご愛用いただけることを願っております。The products can be used anytime, anywhere and dedicate to women's health while wrapping them with refreshing feeling. The intimate hygiene products representing such of our passion--We sincerely hope that many women will love and use it habitually.

会社概要Company Imformation

会社名Company Name ペキュリア株式会社PECLIA Co., Ltd.
所在地Address 〒107-0061 東京都港区北青山3-6-7 青山パラシオタワー11階3-6-7 Kita-Aoyama, Aoyama Palacio Tower 11F, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0061, Japan
TELTEL 03-5778-5931
FAXFAX 03-5778-5935
設立Date of Establishment 平成25年9月20日September 20, 2013
代表取締役President 平野 実穂Miho Hirano
資本金Capital 5,000,000円JPY 5,000,000
取引銀行Main Financing Banks 三菱東京UFJ銀行/田町支店
Tamachi Branch, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
Harajuku Branch, Seibu Credit Union
Aoyama Branch, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Harajuku Branch, Yachiyo Bank


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